Podiatry is the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis and medical and surgical treatment of disorders, diseases and injuries of the feet and ankles, and sometimes, the legs. Podiatrists order diagnostic tests, perform surgeries, administer medications prescribe therapies and often detect other undiagnosed health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis and heart or kidney disease. These conditions, which may have otherwise gone undiagnosed, are often times first noticeable in the lower extremities.
Conditions treated include:
- Achilles tendonitis
- Arthritis
- Athlete's foot
- Bunions
- Calluses and corns
- Deformities
- Diabetes-related conditions
- Flat feet
- Foot and ankle fractures/injuries
- Fungal nails
- Gout
- Hammer toe
- Ingrown toenails
- Leg and foot ulcers
- Neuroma
- Plantar fasciitis (heel spurs)
- Warts